Clearview AI
National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Clearview AI
Child enter this world filled with innocence
Filled with curiosity
Filled with trust
Filled with imagination
But as much as we try to protect them
and let them hold onto precious elements of childhood
Sometimes the abusers win out.
Boys (49%) and girls (51%) become victims at nearly the same rate.
For every incident of child abuse or neglect that’s reported, an estimated two incidents go unreported.
Technology has made it easier for abusers to reach children
As they do homework in their room
As they ride the school bus
And as they talk or play with their friends online.
Technology contributes to child abuse
Yet, technology is invaluable in helping to combat child abuse
96.4% of law enforcement agencies report they are already using the internet & social media for intelligence gathering
Clearview AI is proud to help investigators efficiently process images from the public internet with an investigative platform that helps combat child abuse
Together, we can help find and rescue victims and stop this devastating crime
Thank you to those working around-the-clock to help prevent child abuse and exploitation
Let's work together to let children hold onto their childhood.